Why is the Champions League called the Champions League?

21/02/2013 10:04



The question is not as daft as it sounds. The current holders are not even Champions of England or at least they weren't last season. Don't get me wrong, Chelsea won it fair and square but what were they Champions of? It's exactly the same from all the European football countries. They put in three or four teams and yet there is only one Champion! Of course you can't call it the 'Champions and Runners Up League, because for one it sounds silly and two again it's a lie! Here's an idea, call it the European Cup!  Seriously, football authorities are always going on about tradition so why not? Wouldn't a footballer rather say he'd won the European Cup rather than the Champions League Cup? When was the last time a club that were Champions of its own country then won the Champions League? Yes it happens, but how often? Still not a good enough reason to call it the Champions League. 


Arsenal have made it to the knockout stages thirteen years in a row and that's a very good record but when were they Champions? My point is it's a great competition, of that there is no doubt;it's just called by the wrong name. Calling it the Champions League is just a kick in the balls.